Project Description
Data Virtualisation
Access any data source
Data Virtualisation creates real-time integrated views of data from disparate structured, semi-structured, and unstructured sources, on-premise, and in cloud without replicating the data.

Turn data into information
Data in its raw form is just numbers and texts that have no value. Combining and enriching data turns it into information that serves business purposes. Data management systems may include data lakes, enterprise data warehouses, data marts, cloud data platforms, etc.
Find any information
Providing a layer through which users can access information regardless of where the data is physically located simplifies and therefore encourages data access, while at the same time offering IT a level of control that is impossible otherwise.

Generate insightful reports
Data Virtualisation provides access to various types of reporting and analytics that support the full scope of business requirements, including traditional reporting and dashboards, search-based BI or self-service reporting, advanced and predictive analytics, and cognitive analytics.
Create an agile data environment
For businesses to respond to changes in a fast-changing economic environment, they need a data environment that can quickly and easily deliver on the insights needed to stay competitive and responsive. Data virtualisation enables this agile data environment for organisations.
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Simplify your data environment
Data Virtualisation eliminates the need to understand the technical complexity of multiple data sources. For example, if your business uses diverse data sources, each requiring different technical expertise to operate, Data Virtualisation displays data from all sources in one simple interface that requires no specific skills to use.
Emergency Lighting

Eliminate the duplication of data
There’s no need to use ETL scripts to copy data from multiple sources into a single database, and no need to waste resources storing duplicated data. Data Virtualisation creates an “image” of the data, allowing data users to access and analyse data without the additional costs and complexities of traditional systems. That’s why it’s called Data Virtualisation.
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Increase data users’ productivity
Data professionals no longer need to spend time looking for data, ask application owners to export data, and then combine data from multiple sources.
Data Virtualisation allows users to interact and query data from multiple sources using intuitive language in a unified interface.
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Achieve a single view of anything
Traditionally, data was scattered across multiple systems, resulting in inconsistencies and errors.
Data Virtualisation provides a single view of customers, products, policies, assets, processes, etc. This allows data users to get an accurate view of any other business concept they need to analyse.
Emergency Lighting

Tap into existing computing power
With Data Virtualisation, you don’t need to invest in expensive technology or servers to store and process data. Data Virtualisation creates a “virtual layer” of your data using the computing power of your existing servers and infrastructure.
BITanium recommends:

The best Data Virtualisation platform
Denodo has over 20 years of experience in developing and delivering on data virtualisation technology for organisations. Because of the vast experience Denodo has in data virtualisation, BITanium recommends Denodo as the top-in-class data virtualisation platform for large organisations
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